
id:yamanetoshi さんのところでgauche.testについて触れられてたので自分でも試行錯誤してみた。
gauche.test の件 - /var/log/messages
f-testでテストしたい関数fと[answer args ...]のリストをつらつら書くとargs ...をfに与えた時の結果がanswerと一緒かテストしてくれます。ついでなんで関数名でtest-sectionも吐くように。argsは勝手にquoteするようにしてみた。でもこれだと数がargsやanswerな時まずいかもなぁ。まぁいっか。後で考える。

(use gauche.test)
(add-load-path ".")
(load "func")

(define-syntax test-q&a (syntax-rules () ((_ q a) (test* (quote q) a q))))
(define-syntax f-test
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ f (a args ...) ...)
       (test-section (symbol->string (quote f)))
       (test-q&a (f (quote args) ...) (quote a)) ...))))

(test-start "chapter 3")

 [(lamb chops and jelly) mint (lamb chops and mint jelly)]
 [(lamb chops and flavored mint jelly) mint (lamb chops and mint flavored mint jelly)]
 [(bacon lettuce and tomato) toast (bacon lettuce and tomato)]
 [(coffee tea cup and hick cup) cup (coffee cup tea cup and hick cup)]
 [(lettuce and tomato) bacon (bacon lettuce and tomato)]
 [(bacon lettuce tomato) and (bacon lettuce and tomato)]
 [(soy and tomato sauce) sauce (soy sauce and tomato sauce)])

 [(apple plum grape bean) ((apple peach pumpkin)
                           (plum pear cherry)
                           (grape raisin pea)
                           (bean carrot eggplant))]
 [(a c e) ((a b) (c d) (e f))]
 [() ()]
 [(five four eleven) ((five plums) (four) (eleven green oranges))]
 [((five plums) eleven (no)) (((five plums) four)
                              (eleven green oranges)
                              ((no) more))])

 [(b d f) ((a b)
           (c d)
           (e f))])

 [(ice cream with fudge topping for dessert)
  topping fudge (ice cream with fudge for dessert)]
 ;; Gauche
 ;; [(tacos tamales and |jalapeño| salsa) |jalapeño| and (tacos tamales and salsa)]
 [(tacos tamales and jalapeno salsa) jalapeno and (tacos tamales and salsa)]
 [(a b c d e f g d h) e d (a b c d f g d h)])

;; my insertL test
 [(ice cream with topping fudge for dessert) topping fudge (ice cream with fudge for dessert)]
 [(tacos tamales jalapeno and salsa) jalapeno and (tacos tamales and salsa)]
 [(a b c e d f g d h) e d (a b c d f g d h)])

 [(ice cream with topping for dessert) topping fudge (ice cream with fudge for dessert)])

 [(vanilla ice creamwith chocolate topping)
  vanilla chocolate banana (banana ice creamwith chocolate topping)])

 [(coffee tea and hick) cup (coffee cup tea cup and hick cup)])

;; my multiinsertR test
 [(a b c d e f g d e h) e d (a b c d f g d h)]
 [(w r y y y y y y y y y y) y y (w r y y y y y)])

 [(chips and fried fish or fried fish and fried) fried fish (chips and fish or fish and fried)]
 [(j o j o) j o (o o)])

 [(o p p a o) o i (i p p a i)]
 [() o i ()])



> gosh 3.scm
Testing chapter 3 ...                                            
test (rember 'mint '(lamb chops and mint jelly)), expects (lamb chops and jelly) ==> ok
test (rember 'mint '(lamb chops and mint flavored mint jelly)), expects (lamb chops and flavored mint jelly) ==> ok
test (rember 'toast '(bacon lettuce and tomato)), expects (bacon lettuce and tomato) ==> ok
test (rember 'cup '(coffee cup tea cup and hick cup)), expects (coffee tea cup and hick cup) ==> ok
test (rember 'bacon '(bacon lettuce and tomato)), expects (lettuce and tomato) ==> ok
test (rember 'and '(bacon lettuce and tomato)), expects (bacon lettuce tomato) ==> ok
test (rember 'sauce '(soy sauce and tomato sauce)), expects (soy and tomato sauce) ==> ok
test (firsts '((apple peach pumpkin) (plum pear cherry) (grape raisin pea) (bean carrot eggplant))), expects (apple plum grape bean) ==> ok
test (firsts '((a b) (c d) (e f))), expects (a c e) ==> ok
test (firsts '()), expects () ==> ok
test (firsts '((five plums) (four) (eleven green oranges))), expects (five four eleven) ==> ok
test (firsts '(((five plums) four) (eleven green oranges) ((no) more))), expects ((five plums) eleven (no)) ==> ok
test (seconds '((a b) (c d) (e f))), expects (b d f) ==> ok
test (insertR 'topping 'fudge '(ice cream with fudge for dessert)), expects (ice cream with fudge topping for dessert) ==> ok
test (insertR 'jalapeno 'and '(tacos tamales and salsa)), expects (tacos tamales and jalapeno salsa) ==> ok
test (insertR 'e 'd '(a b c d f g d h)), expects (a b c d e f g d h) ==> ok
test (insertL 'topping 'fudge '(ice cream with fudge for dessert)), expects (ice cream with topping fudge for dessert) ==> ok
test (insertL 'jalapeno 'and '(tacos tamales and salsa)), expects (tacos tamales jalapeno and salsa) ==> ok
test (insertL 'e 'd '(a b c d f g d h)), expects (a b c e d f g d h) ==> ok
test (subst 'topping 'fudge '(ice cream with fudge for dessert)), expects (ice cream with topping for dessert) ==> ok
test (subst2 'vanilla 'chocolate 'banana '(banana ice creamwith chocolate topping)), expects (vanilla ice creamwith chocolate topping) ==> ok
test (multirember 'cup '(coffee cup tea cup and hick cup)), expects (coffee tea and hick) ==> ok
test (multiinsertR 'e 'd '(a b c d f g d h)), expects (a b c d e f g d e h) ==> ok
test (multiinsertR 'y 'y '(w r y y y y y)), expects (w r y y y y y y y y y y) ==> ok
test (multiinsertL 'fried 'fish '(chips and fish or fish and fried)), expects (chips and fried fish or fried fish and fried) ==> ok
test (multiinsertL 'j 'o '(o o)), expects (j o j o) ==> ok
test (multisubst 'o 'i '(i p p a i)), expects (o p p a o) ==> ok
test (multisubst 'o 'i '()), expects () ==> ok
